Our Story

Hello. My name is Rachelle. 
Yellow hasn't always been my favorite color.
You see, when I was young I was called yellow, but it was in a negative way.
Why do I bring this up? Because, as the old saying goes, "When life 'throws' you lemons, you make lemonade."
With that, I decided to make yellow my favorite color.
Yellow pairs so well with the artist in me. The vibrancy of it, even on a cloudy day, can literally turn my frown upside down. So what better way to celebrate my favorite color, than to open up my world to you. We present, the world of CHELOJS (Chel-low-s).
    We are a Boutique-Styled Company. Here you'll find apparel, accessories, etc., all things yellow with a splash of other. We do our best to bring you top quality items that catch my fancy in the hopes that it will catch yours too. Never will you find the humdrum here, we deal only with that which will inspire you to be inspired. 
    So go ahead and take time to explore the world of CHELOJS, you'll be glad you did!



    Founder & CEO